Thursday, January 31, 2013

No-Buy Tips #1

Tips for a No-Buy and Being Better with Money in General

Hello Ladies,

As you know, I am a cosmetic junky and a self-diagnosed shop-a-holic.  I love a good sale and have a hard time turning away from new products (I am looking a you, Maybelline Vivids).  Unfortunately, my budget is not as game for shopping as I am, so I decided to do my first official "no-buy" this January.

For those of you who haven't tried one, a "no buy" is a period when you stop purchasing items you do not need.  The best part is that you can cater your "no buy" to your specific needs.  Some people focus on not dining out or not buying shoes.  Others take a more stringent approach and limit themselves to only the necessities.  I chose to focus my no-buy on not purchasing makeup or clothes because (it pains me to admit this) I have WAY too much makeup and more clothes than I can wear in a year.  Don't judge :)

Over the next week, I am going to post things I have learned over the last month.  In total, I have 8 tips to help you be successful in curbing your cosmetic addiction.  Without further ado, here we go!

Tips for a Succesful "No-Buy"

1) Don't Tempt Yourself- If you know you love lipsticks or chocolate eclairs, but you are trying not to purchase those items, simply stay away.  Let's be honest, you don't really NEED to go to Sephora or the dessert counter at Whole Foods.  So.. don't.

2) Make it more difficult to make online purchases- I used to have my CC info saved into Google Chrome and ready to go.  Then, a few days into my no-buy, I found myself checking out at  Luckily, I stopped myself before making the purchase and promptly removed the stored information from my browser.  Now, if I add an item to my shopping cart, I have to physically get up, walk into the kitchen and get my debit (yes, debit) card.  Entering those little numbers into the computer makes me realize I am spending my hard earned money and causes me to think twice about the purchases I am making.

Stay tuned for more tips tomorrow!

Talk Soon,



  1. I'm doing a no-buy this month for cosmetics so I can save up for a few "big" items I've wanted for ages! Good luck with your no-buy :)
